OpenSite Designer Help

Profile by 3D Element

Used to produce a profile (in profile space) from a 3D element in the drawing.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Geometry > Vertical > Element Profiles split button

Use the Profile by 3D Element tool to produce a profile (in profile space) from a 3D element in the drawing.

  1. Select the Profile by 3D Element icon.

  2. When you move the cursor into the View, it is equipped with a requesting that you "Locate Element to Profile", so data point, example, left-click on the element that you wish to give an elevation.

  3. When prompted to "Locate Plan Element to Profile", so data point on the element that you wish to give an elevation.

  4. To view the new profile, click the Open Profile Model icon.

  5. Move the cursor into the Plan View and note that it is accompanied by a prompt that says, "Locate Plan Element". Data point on the newly profiled element.
  6. The cursor is now equipped with a prompt that says, "Select or Open View", so move the cursor into the Profile View and data point.


To View the new element's properties, equip the Element Selection tool.

Select the element in the View then let the cursor hover over it. Click the Properties icon to access rule data for the chosen element.